94th month (April 2012)
This month Peter mounted the outside lights.
A 'small' 24W Five meter 300 LED light. |
The light bar during the day. |
95th month (May 2012)
Peter did some maintenance of the motorhome and planned what to do next for the ceiling.
In the meantime here are some photos of the inside. (As a reminder)
Still much the same, except for the white walls. |
Looks a bit like a construction site. |
96th month (June 2012)
Peter finally managed to spend a day on the motorhome. Though looking at what was done it doesn't seem like 8 hours was spent
Some time went into gluing the ceiling frame to the metal work. It was screwed and now glued.
Nonetheless, even the screws by themselves were strong enough for Peter (80+ kg) to hang off one standoff.
The glue is there to stop the frame from shaking itself to pieces. However, there is a reason. The standoffs (along the sides) will also hold the over head storage (cupboards).
Doesn't look like much was done. This ceiling needs some white sheets. |