First Project Year in Review
It is hard to believe that we have been working on this project for a year
already. Before we started (or is that, before we found the rust) we thought it
would take us 9 months.
Our plans has changed a lot since then. The project is no longer a quick, but
nice, conversion. Now it is a monster of a project and at the end we'll have a
super motorhome.
- Remove seats
- Clean inside and re-skin inside
- New windows as the old windows could not be opened
- Seal roof (make water tight)
- Clean/repaint outside skin
- Fit-out into nice motorhome
- Valued at about $200,000 completed
Duration: about 9 months part-time
- Remove seats
- Remove inside skin
- Remove outside skin
- Remove floor boards
- Remove roof skin
- Remove rear frame
- Remove front frame
- Remove/repair all rust from frame
- Raise roof
- Centre door
- Reshape rear (more room/modern look) (for our needs as bedroom)
- Reshape front (lots more window area! and modern look)
- Use latest model front and rear fibreglass headers.
- Use one piece fibreglass roof skin
- Glue all outside skin on. No pop-rivets. (Major contributor to rust
- New 19mm 'marine' type ply floor boards.
- Latest technology in electronics (some we still need to invent
;-) for lights, solar, air bag suspension control, resource
management, satellite (GPS) navigation. Maybe satellite TV, phone, and
- Fit-out into super motorhome (Captain seats, handmade wood furniture,
- Seats and sleeps 8 people. (2 on queen bed, 2 bunk beds, 2 on
fold-down couch, 2 on lowered dinette table)
- Valued at about $350,000 to $400,000 completed
Duration: about 3-4 years part-time!
At the start (9 July 2004)

One Year Later...

Couldn't stand far enough away to capture the entire motorhome.

14 July 2004: Found first rust!

25 July 2004: Moved motorhome to 'back-yard'

17 October 2004: Moved into Shed

27 February 2005: Front and read Fibreglass headers arrived
10 April 2005: Raised the roof

22 May 2005: New rear frame attached to motorhome

9 July 2005 (One year later): Cut-off the front frame